About Auxilmed

Welcome to Auxilmed, a groundbreaking social impact initiative by the not-for-profit Kapita Foundation, developed by a distinguished team of professionals with expertise in fields such as media, medicine, international trade, and law. Our mission is to tackle the alarming disparities in global healthcare by delivering affordable, high-quality second-hand medical equipment to under-resourced communities in developing countries. These communities often struggle with severe healthcare conditions due to a lack of essential resources and infrastructure.
Auxilmed envisions a world where everyone has equal access to life-saving medical equipment and quality healthcare regardless of socio-economic background or geographic. In numerous developing countries, inadequate medical equipment contributes to avoidable deaths and health complications. By providing access to these vital resources, we support saving lives and enhancing health outcomes.
As a project of the Kapita Foundation, our objective is to create a wide-ranging network of partners who share our passion for addressing healthcare disparities and minimizing environmental impact. Through innovation, dedication, and teamwork, we strive to advance sustainable development, encourage social responsibility, and inspire a healthier and more equitable future for all.
Join us on our journey to transform global healthcare access and uplift communities in need by revolutionizing the trade of second-hand medical equipment. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of countless individuals facing challenging healthcare circumstances in disadvantaged regions.

Reviving Healthcare with Reliable Medical Equipment

Maxim Hodak

Maxim Hodak, a skilled corporate and business lawyer with an MBA degree, is driven by a genuine desire to contribute to social impact investment projects that support people in need. As a native of Ukraine, Maxim is well-aware of the struggles faced by underprivileged communities, particularly during times of conflict. His professional background and personal experiences have inspired him to use his knowledge and network to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those who need assistance. Throughout his career, Maxim has developed a strong foundation in various areas of corporate and business law, enabling him to offer strategic guidance to clients. He has also fostered a growing interest in impact investment, focusing on projects that yield both financial returns and positive social outcomes. Auxilmed is one such initiative that reflects Maxim’s dedication to social impact. As an individual experienced in creating and managing social projects, he has played a role in shaping Auxilmed to become a catalyst for change in the healthcare sector. By supplying affordable medical equipment to hospitals and clinics in need, particularly in smaller towns and rural areas, Auxilmed aims to address the healthcare challenges faced by communities during both war and peace.
Maxim Hodak Image
Maxim is deeply grateful for the unwavering support and collaboration of various specialists and partners, whose contributions have been integral to the project’s success. He humbly recognizes that without their expertise and dedication, bringing the Auxilmed project to life would not have been possible. As conflict continues to affect Ukraine, Maxim and the Auxilmed team are particularly committed to focusing their efforts on helping the people in this region.
With a personal connection to Ukraine, Maxim is determined to help provide vital medical equipment to regions affected by conflict. He acknowledges that during times of war, the need for reliable medical equipment becomes even more pressing, as healthcare facilities grapple with an influx of patients and injuries. Under Maxim’s guidance, and with the invaluable efforts of his partners and the team, Auxilmed is committed to responding to these critical needs and improving healthcare access for those who need it most.

Your Gateway to Affordable and Quality Medical Equipment
